Minor (U18) Gaelic Football has been present in Western Australia for the last 30 years when a Minor Squad representing the State was entered into the 1987 Australasian Championships that were held in Perth. 5 years later in 1992 a Minor Board was setup. The year it was setup the aim of the Board was: "to provide weekly competitions for boys aged between 14 and 18 with the ultimate target of sending a Minor Team to Adelaide in October for the Australasian Championships".
Since 1992 Minor Football in Western Australia has grown in popularity and participation with a Minor Squad entering numerous Australasian Championships including 1993 when the Championships were again held in Perth. Records show that a meeting was held on the Thursday of Australasian Championships week that year to "discuss solely matters relating to underage Gaelic Football. The occasion would also give all States the opportunity to discuss and shape the future direction of underage Gaelic Football throughout Australia".

Since that meeting Minor Football Squads representing Western Australia have had a lot of success in Australasian Championships and WA has entered 2 Minor Football Squads when the Championships have been held in Perth with past players including Jack Darling. The WA Minor Gaelic Football Squad is drawn from a number of schools in the Perth area including John XXIII, Comet Bay and Girrawheen. Tournaments are held each year with Comet Bay crowned 2016 Champions and John XXIII taking home this year's title. The squad trains at Henderson Oval.
With the 2017 edition of the Australasian Championships to be hosted by GAAWA, any boy aged between 14 and 18 who would like to play Gaelic Football is encouraged put their name forward. You can get in touch via our Contact Us page.
The Minor Board of GAAWA would also like to sincerely thank its sponsors Ismart Building Group and Emerald Building Solutions for their support of the Western Australia Minor Gaelic Football Squad.